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Final Reflective Essay on Teaching and Learning

Upon completion of my four months of student teaching I have grown both as an educator and an individual. Student teaching has fanned the fire of my passion for being a teacher and been a light onto the path of how to become the best I can be. Reflecting on each experience, the successful and the not so successful, has encouraged me to continue to persevere and grow from these challenges. Not only did I discover a great deal about teaching but I also learned a great deal about myself.
In spite of the many daily challenges, I am ecstatic to say that I was able to attain all of my student teaching goals. First, I gained a great deal of confidence in my skills and abilities in the classroom. I discovered that I have an innate knack for providing an environment of comfort and safety for students to explore ideas and share insights without fear or condemnation. Every student is ensured an opportunity to participate and become engaged. The students flourish in confidence and character as their comments and thoughts are affirmed and encouraged – even when they aren’t right. Over the course of time, it was amazing to see the students thrive and change before my very eyes. On the other hand, when they aren’t as willing or are inappropriate, I need to be more direct and deliberate about my expectations by using verbs that are clear cut/black and white so that students are held accountable. I was given several opportunities to exercise this newly forming muscle by issuing detentions, calling parents, and writing up students for infractions.
Another goal I had for this time was increasing student engagement and learning styles. Because the students are very open with me about where they are at and their level of understanding, I am able to meet them there with innovative instructional strategies to encourage creative and critical thinking. I explain the “why” I use a strategy or “when” the information will be used in life, which is very positive, especially in the middle school grades. By using varied materials and resources the students become easily engaged.
An additional goal that has been met is assessing pacing and time-management. While as teachers we are training students in content, I have come to understand that we are more importantly teaching skills, which require a delicate balance of time and attention. While doing a book study in reading, I found that we had to allow for extra time to explore the concept of context clues to understand vocabulary, which had not been a planned part of the lesson. Within the constraints of curriculum and the classroom, I will continue to work on developing this balance in my own classroom by continuing to set goals while maintaining flexibility.
In reflecting on other areas of performance during the past 16 weeks, I have come to realize that I would not “get it all” in this short period of time. This has taught me to be more gracious and accepting of myself, and I believe it will have a positive impact on my teaching. Having wrestled through these challenging moments will help me be more supportive and accepting of the students when they struggle for understanding. Additionally, it has taught me that I will recurrently be learning and growing as an educator. I have learned the value of setting goals and objectives that will push me to continually raise the bar for my level of teaching and hopefully, to be setting an example for my students.
Although I had many more learning experiences during this time, I cannot lose sight of my intrinsic motivation for becoming a teacher – to make a difference in the lives of young people. I want my students to know they are important and valued. Every student in my class is encouraged to speak and be heard; to have a voice and listen to others. I enjoy challenging students to share their thoughts and then encouraging them to find evidence and reasoning behind their perspective - to take a stand for what they believe. This allows for their growth and maturity as responsible people. As they listen to their classmates and their positions, they experience compassion and respect for the differences and opinions of others. This fosters deep analytical thinking and a love for learning that is critical to becoming active, participating members of a community-and that is my over arching goal of becoming a professional educator.