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Video Critique I

Viewing myself teaching a lesson to students has been an eye opening experience. I knew I was nervous but at the beginning of the 5th grade Language Arts lesson, I continually played with my rings while folding and unfolding my hands. However, as the lesson continued I began to relax which was evidenced through my body language and demonstrative use of my hands. After watching the videotape, I was able to look critically at the presentation of my lesson to the class and develop an action plan for improvement.

Areas of Strength
Areas of strength include how I managed the class throughout the lesson and my discernment on reading the students’ understanding. When noticing that students were not listening and staring off without looking at their books, I called their name and redirected their attention back to the text asking them a question to get them to engage. I also located myself next to the student and made eye contact with them, pointing to the book. When the class as a whole were wearing vacant looks on their faces, I realized that they didn’t understand what I taught and restated my explanation another way along with examples.

Areas of Improvement
Areas of improvement include adherence to the lesson plan, introducing objectives, integrating various disciplines for visual learners, closure of the lesson, and a more effective tone of voice. I realized that when I began the lesson, I jumped right into the middle of my plan without clearly stating the objectives, reasons or applications for the skill I was introducing. Additionally, my teaching of the concept lacked written reinforcement of examples and key ideas. After introducing the concept, I just turned them loose to do independent work without review which created some confusion about the lesson. As for my tone of voice, I sounded unsure some of the time and questioning while instructing. Moreover, I used the term “you guys” many times while addressing the class.

Teaching Effectiveness Targets

I will consciously change how I address the students using 5th graders, learners, students, ladies and gentlemen, or class rather than “guys” or “you guys”.
I will stick to the lesson plan progression by listing objectives, key ideas and examples on the board before and during teaching.
I will consciously lower the tone of my voice to exude a more confident and directive quality during instruction.